Sunday, July 13, 2014

DIY Nursery Wall Art {On the Cheap!}

I have an...issue, you could say...with bare walls. I don't like them. They bother me. I have an obsessive need to cover the empty space with something...ANYTHING. 

Come to think of it, I basically just like cramming as much stuff possible into as little space as possible, regardless. 



The wall above my soon-to-be-here daughter's crib has been mocking me with its nakedness for the past few weeks, and I finally did something about it today, and I love it! I'm going to show you guys how to do cheap, mod-ish, wall art for your own nursery. Or kids room. Or any room! NO NUDE WALLS.

First, I simply went to Google and eugoogled (its a verb Mr S made means, 'to Google') 'free nursery printables.' There are TONS of adorable printables out there that lovely bloggers have made available for you to download and print out for free! (and yes, we had spaghetti squash for dindin tonight. It was excellent. I would recommend)

After I had found the ones I wanted, (It was SO difficult to narrow them down! So many cute ones!) I saved them to a USB drive and took them to Staples to have them printed. NOTE. To save yourself even more money, you can definitely print them at home! I just happened to be very short on colored ink and wanted theses to come out bright and not streaky. Staples will also print them on heavier paper if you ask them, which adds a nice touch.

While I was out toodling about town, I went to Dollar Tree and picked up six document sized frames. 6 frames @ $1 each = $6! I almost always buy my frames there because, honestly, frames are expensive, and the cheap ones can be painted! Another idea...hit up your local thrift store...those always have frames, and lots of times you can score unique ones!

I popped the glass out and painted them white... (I wanted to spray paint them but I ran out of spray paint halfway through. Boo!)

As those were drying...I made pudding! This pudding, to be exact. If you have never eaten hot, chocolate pudding with whipped cream, you don't even know what you are missing. Go make some. Raight now. You will not regret it.

After the frames dried (and I was through carb-loading on pudding) I carefully placed the glass back in the frames and then inserted my prints. Some of the prints I cut the edges down some and backed them with white paper for a sort of faux-mat look. 

I played with the layout I wanted on the floor for a minute or two and then dragged my sexy, long-armed husband into the nursery with me to hang them :) 

What do you think? I'm sorry about the glare, the light was being VASTLY uncooperative and unsympathetic to my photographing plight.

Again, thank you light...

I think my favorites (apart from all of them, that is) are the feathers and the 'L is for Laurel' one. You can customize that one with your own letter, name, and color! They add such a nice personal touch to the room, I think!

All told this project only cost me around $11! Like I said, it would have been cheaper if I had printed my pictures at home, but I was *very* pleased with how Staples did. I can't wait to show you guys the nursery all put together!

Printables Sources:

Definitely check out those links! So. Much. Cuteness. Oh man.

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